CardioGolf®-Shape Your Swing Weekly Workout Plan-Week-26

KarenGolf FitnessLeave a Comment

This is your CardioGolf™ Online Studio Weekly Workout Plan.
This is your  CardioGolf® Online Studio  Weekly Workout Plan.  There is a week’s worth of workouts for you to complete.
This is an easy way to plan your entire workout ahead of time, and move seamlessly from one workout video to the next.

Practice something about your game everyday. #CardioGolfChallenge

Get Down Low to Improve Your Weight Shift-

If you are looking to generate more power in your golf swing, you need to be able to move your hips through full range of motion. You also need to have good strength in your hamstrings, quadricep muscles and core.

Many golfers assume that walking and swinging a club for 4 hours is enough exercise. Golf is great exercise, but it won’t help you get stronger. You have to seek out strength exercises to develop muscle and get stronger. Doing squats and lunges are a great way to develop strength in your glutes, hips and legs.

All this week we incorporate lower body exercises into our daily routine to help use generate more power in our golf swing.

  • Before starting any training program, consult your doctor.
  • Stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. 
  • Always warm-up before you stretch or exercise.

CardioGolf® Online Studio Weekly Workout Plan-Week 26

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

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